Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Life Drawing...Wait, What?

1 min                                                                                                        30 sec.

           3 min                                                                                                      1 min

        5 min                                                                                                                  30 sec    

                   1 min                                                                                              5 min
That's right, I actually attend and create life drawings - this new information may shock you into incoherence but there it is for you to absorb. This post is something new for me as I have never had the confidence to post life drawings in a public place such as this-where anyone can come and see them. I want to start going to Extra Life Drawing this year to get better because while I am proud of these drawings I know that there are many, many areas where I can improve. I also bought a pack of 10 (12?) Nupastel today so I want to start experimenting with them as soon as possible. 

The guy at the bookstore charged me an extra 20 something dollars for the pastels, but we got it all sorted out. Still, 20 freakin' dollars, man? C'mon.

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